Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sunset Beach - Turtle Sanctuary

So far Sunset Beach is our favorite. The sand is so fine and should be bottle up into many hour-glasses because we'd swear that is what they use. It's the perfect size for an island, we were able to walk to the end and back within a couple hours and we found sand dollars (which was the best part).
If we came later in the year Sunset Beach is home to many turtles and they have signs warning visitors to be careful of their nesting homes. It would have been amazing to see baby turtles hatching and help them make it safely to the ocean. Only 1 in 10000 baby turtles will make it to adulthood and I wish there was something we could have done to help on our visit. Hopefully one day we will!
Off to Myrtle Beach we go before we get too sunburnt on this beautiful, warm, sunshiny day.
Catch ya'll on the flip side.

If you are ever to cross into South Carolina on Rt 17, stop in at the first rest area. The ladies there are incredibly helpful and sweet!!

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