Wednesday, May 8, 2013

On our way to the a Grand Canyon!!

Second day with my mom. We are headed towards the Grand Canyon. 
In the morning we woke up with frost on the windshield....this shouldn't be a fact when in Arizona but I've provided proof. Weird. On went our jackets and pants to head out for the day.
Our first stop was Walnut Creek which is a national park for Cliff Dwelling homes. You walk straight down approximately 200 feet in and out of the dwellings. Seeing where and how the people survived back then makes you appreciate everything we have to live with today. Hopefully history does not repeat here. 
Then we went to Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monument. Sunset Crater was created by a volcano that erupted 900 years ago reshaping all of the surroundings. It feels as though you are in a black forest. The ground is all black and there are mounds of crust (hardened lava) everywhere. It's an unreal experience. Wupatki is a pueblo that once housed up to one hundred people in one hundred rooms but is now unoccupied and just a piece of it remains for visitors (though the natives tell stories about their spirits still remaining amongst the rubble).
Finally we were at the entrance to the Grand Canyon. What an eye opener your first look is. Everyone says its amazing, beautiful and unlike anything you've seen before...they were telling the truth. 
We are all excited to spend the whole day exploring as much as our legs can handle tomorrow!
It's off to the Red Feather Lodge we go. Hot tub here we come :)

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