Thursday, May 2, 2013

Driving, driving, and more driving.

We wanted to hike the Guadelupe Mountains, but the cold front was in, luckily no snow, but the temperatures were freezing!!! So we cancelled those plans and decided to head towards Arizona.
So it was goodbye to Carlsbad and hello to Deming. It was a long stretch of not a lot. We drove through El Paso, which we got checked when trying to leave to see if we smuggled Mexicans through. Then went to the Historic center of Mesilla.
Mesilla is a little town square that was used many years ago and has the old country style and feel to it. It feels as though you are in The show Maverick and he is at the bar playing cards. It was pretty awesome.
Finally made it to Deming, went to their museum and will be resting at their Walmart.
Tomorrow is national park day for us in Arizona!!

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