Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The journey to Washington, D.C.

The estimated travel time was under 12 hours to get to our destination, Greenbelt, Maryland. Inevitably I drove the whole time...... When the time came when we were suppose to switch drivers, Mike conveniently got a massive headache. I blame it on his lack of wanting to drive or because he was Mr. directions and had to read the whole time... We all know it couldn't have been from my beautiful singing or chatter.
On our long journey through Pennsylvania, probably half way through our trip, we had a feeling something wasn't right. We knew it wasn't with the car or with our directions, but we couldn't put a finger on it. Finally things started to look up when we got to the Lackawanna College sign and there on the road was a dead deer (everyone told us that there would be dead deer all over the roads in PA)... That is when we knew everything was going to be okay.
Finally we got to Greenbelt and parked our Compass in a nice little campground and got all cozy in the back for a long, COLD night. And I am happy to say we did not pay one toll thus far.
P.S. So far Pennsylvania has the worst road conditions.

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