Friday, July 15, 2016

Cruisin' on the van 🚌

We have been kicking our butt into gear (pun) with this van! Doing lots of renovations and projects before and after work. Thankfully it's paid off... Though we are not close to done yet we are still going to use it for the first time this weekend! Hello kayak/camping trip :)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

More VW pictures

VW Vanagon

Been busy fixing up out VW Vanagon the past couple of weeks. It's been a long time coming and we have Mario to thank for it! He has never been camping and we are determined to show him a good time :) The wonders of having a ten year old! Some times it feels like a blessing that he has come into our lives!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Building a bench for our fire pit!

Now that we have a Mario we thought s'mores around a fire would be a fun idea! It's also something I'm sure he has never done before. We had the start of a fire pit going so now we are going to add to it. This will also benefit us on resale! Brilliant. :)
Progress pictures to come!

Using our bench:

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Crazy busy

Our lives have gotten very busy now that we have another human to take care of. We have skipped over nine+ years of preparing ourselves for a kid and now here he is. Everything seems to be a hurdle that we all have to get over. We are doing the best we can and that's all anyone could expect but that is why I have not been very active on this blog. Between working, house work, eBay/Etsy/Vinted, and now a kid... Ahh!
I'm going to try to do his more frequently again. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Making a Murderer

We totally binge watched Making a Murder this past week and it is SO good! It's a series of ten episodes on Netflix and it is a must watch. Granted it is a one sided show, it still makes you question a lot of things!! If you have Netflix, watch it. 
Funny images you'll understand after watching the show: