Monday, June 23, 2014


My name is Ali & I'm addicted to Vinted.

"Hiiii Aliii"
I feel like I should be in a meeting getting help for this. I could spend all day looking through clothes and saving them to my favorites. PLUS adding my own to hopefully sell... cross my fingers.
-Vinted is a website where women can sell there clothes, like a thrift store/yard sale, and make money for it instead of just donating (not saying donating isn't a great thing). But, for the clothes that you thought you would fit into and spent full price and now it doesn't fit....that's when you would like some return on your purchase. This is the perfect place to get it.
That worst/best part of the site, is when you first sign up the give you around $10 to spend for your first time. (My friends got $15, lucky brats) This is when the real struggle happens. Going through numerous amazing clothes and having to narrow it down to one... AHHH!!!
Not going to lie... I have three emails I may or may not have signed up on vinted because I could not make a decision........... O:-) <--thats a="" halo="" head="" my="" over="" p="">Here are my finds:

 The two in front of the shutters came as a bundle!

Until next time....

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