Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cabin is almost done-YAY

We have almost finished the cabin. There are just some minor touches we need to do, and of course decorate! We also built the stairs to go into the river which is awesome. A couple major things to do is clean up around the river, remove stumps, weed whack, and just make it more awesome. Also, near the cabin we cleared out land and eventually we want to make it into a grassy area for people to tent there or have a picnic (love picnics, especially picnics by the river <3). 
Here are some pictures!!! 

The area we would love to make grassy...or at least a lot cleaner!!

Sunday Funday!

Lots of rope, rocks and wood made this possible!

Just a few minor touch ups needed, like the top of the stairs need another board. 

Blue floors!!!! Makes it brighter and livelier :)

Cleaning up the drive to the cabin by the Saco (the cabin needs a name....)

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