Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Roswell, NM

Roswell, NM, home of the Aliens!!!!
The reason we even knew about this place was from the Tv show, Roswell. Trust me, this town is not like how the show portrays. We thought it would be this cute little alien themed town with diners and so forth. It is more like a strip of stores with traffic and a museum. We still had lots of fun though!! (& no, we did bot see Max and Micheal. Boo!)
There is this one store on the strip that you could spend hours in just taking numerous pictures with aliens.(Hence all of our alien pictures). We had way too much fun. I felt like we were young again.
We also wanted to catch up on our alien facts and information at the museum. The government and their silly cover ups...
Now we are headed to the zoo they have in the park!! We love free things :)
Tomorrow we are going to be way under ground in the Carlsbad Caverns.

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